Resales Online
Quantum23 are listed on Resales Online KnowledgeBase as one of the software and web design companies who have the most experience with their system. Having worked with them since 2010, we know their software well and have built several of our products around their system.
Resales Online have developed their product to include a fully integrated property CRM, where you can record your client’s history as they move along the sales process, showing you a full history of properties, documents, conversations, and emails between you and your clients. You can even create profiles for your clients so that you are automatically notified when new properties come onto the market which meet their requirements.
Resales-Online are now the largest Real Estate Network on the Costa del Sol with almost 1000 members.
They have developed their software to include:
A fully integrated property CRM to track your clients full sales history as they move along the sales process
An Internal messaging system between the members
A portfolio of over 20,00 unique listings which you can market as your own
An automatic property alert function for new properties that match your clients
For more information please visit
Resales Online AJAX API
QRES for Resales Online AJAX API application uses the latest remote data functionality which means the application never holds the listing information locally – it connects directly with Resales Online for all search results and listing details. The advantage of using this solution is that new listings in Resales Online are available almost instantly and all property maintenance is carried out in the Resales Online Administration panel with very little being performed on the actual website.
Please note, listings are maintained within Resales Online admin and you cannot add or modify them via the QRES interface.

Resales Online XML
QRES for Resales Online XML automatically imports the data on a daily basis and can be configured to import twice a day. The benefit of using this solution is that you can modify the Resales Online listings details and add your own listings locally.
QRES-RSO-XML also allows you duplicate listings or modify listings which are supplied on an XML feed to enhance their marketability. These changes will not be overwritten when the MLS feed is next consumed.
QRES-RSO-XML has a "SmartMerge" function which allows you to aggregate feeds from any combination, for example you could have your own Resales Online feed and combine it with data from two different Kyero feeds. Your website would search and display the data seamlessly as if it was all your own.
Please note, if you do not currently consume an XML feed from Resales Online, please check first to see if one can be made available to you.