We have worked with Resales Online XML feeds since 2010 and through the 200 or so Real Estate website we have built during that time, have imported many XML feeds to many websites. From Own Properties feeds to Private Data feeds to regular XML feeds for Resales and Rentals. Several agents have more than one website so there was a need to set up secondary or even tertiary XML feeds for multiple websites. In recent years, the option to take multiple feeds has been faded out so one Resales Online account can consume two feeds only – one for Resale properties and one for Rental properties. Clients with multiple websites requiring multiple XML feeds must now have multiple Resale Online accounts, which is only fair.
Some agents may mistakenly think that they can apply their feeds to multiple websites without being aware that data on all their websites becomes compromised. How does this happen? When a website is deployed, a full feed is taken from Resales Online containing all the data for all properties in all locations available. After 24 hours, each website then consumes an incremental feed which contains only listings that have been added, removed or updated during that period within the Resales Online admin panel.
Should one agent have two websites consuming the same incremental feed on a schedule, this is what happens:
Scenario A:
- At 2am, website A makes a call to Resales Online for the feeds and they are downloaded and processed by website A.
- At 3am, website B makes a call to Resales Online for the feeds but between 2am and 3am no changes have been made to any of the listings, so website B will receive empty feeds. Therefore website B may never receive any updated listings.
Scenario B:
- At 2am, website A makes a call to Resales Online for the feeds and they are downloaded and processed by website A.
- At 3am, website B makes a call to Resales Online for the feeds and between 2am and 3am some listings have been changed, so website B will receive only the listings that have changed between 2am and 3am on the feeds.
- After 24 hours website A will make another call to Resales Online, but will only receive those listings that have changed since 3am the previous day. This essentially means that both website A and website B are now out of sync with Resales Online and each other.
If you have two or more websites consuming Resales Online XML feeds, you need separate and independent feeds for each website.

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