QRES Smart Filtering allows you to manage the data served up on your website.
Some MLS Providers send complete lists of all properties on their database. Not all Agents want to display 50,000 properties for sale on their website.
Our most successful clients/agents focus on a small areas.
- They know their locations inside out.
- They know what's happening and when.
- They know the local laws and by-laws.
- They aren't just selling the property, they are selling the lifestyle.
- They give the right information to clients searching for property in their area.
How does Smart Filtering help my Business?
Having a large portfolio can work against you. Sure, it looks like you're a big Agent, but it can be difficult to focus marketing efforts towards your target demographic. QRES Smart Filtering allows you to can set parameters for Areas, Locations, Property Types and Price bands. And for Agents who are creating Boutique websites focusing on a very small number of properties, you can filter by Reference Number too.
Examples of Smart Filtering
Prestigious Villas in Marbella
Filter out All Villas with a minimum price of €3 million in Marbella and surrounding areas.
Bargain Apartments in Benahavís
Filter out All Apartments, Studio's and Penthouses with a maximum price of €150,000 in Benahavís.
Prestigious Property and Luxury Living
Filter out all Residential Property Types priced between €1.5 million and €10 million in all Locations.
Whether you use XML feeds or AJAX API technology, if your MLS Provider doesn't filter listings for you, the QRES platform does.

Quantum23 products & services are designed for Real Estate agents, businesses in the property sector and property professionals.