At Quantum23 are a family run business and we share an office. Scrolling through Facebook during lunch the other day, we noticed how our newsfeeds appears to have changed, no longer showing content in chronological order.
"Oh, yes, Facebook and Instagram have changed their algorithms," I said.
Rumours have been circulating for months that Facebook and Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) are to change their newsfeed algorithms, panicking several social media marketers, including myself. This means changing how we market small businesses.
The intention of the new algorithm is to show individual users posts that are more interesting to them first, prioritising family, friends and trending topics, rather than chronologically showing all posts. This will, generally speaking, be more beneficial for individuals.
How does this affect your Facebook and Instagram business pages? We have to be smarter and savvier if we want to generate engagement.
With trending topics being prioritised alongside friends and family, jump on the bandwagon and you could see an increase in engagement. You shouldn't use the topic to shamelessly pitch your business, especially if it has no relation to what is trending. That's just bad marketing. Simply create an engaging post and allow people to flock to your business page and see what you're about.
It will take a while for marketers to fully understand new algorithms and work around them to market small businesses – stay tuned for more tips and tricks!
Produce great, relevant content to generate engagement – the rest will come.

Quantum23 products & services are designed for Real Estate agents, businesses in the property sector and property professionals.