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Real Estate Marketing

Quantum23 marketing modules allows marketeers to build the best strategy for your business to generate more leads

Are you a Real Estate Agent?


As a Real Estate agent, most of your time is exhausted trying to find new clients and for many agents, getting new leads can takes up most of your time and money.  Real Estate agents and property professionals are some of the best marketers in an offline person-to-person environment who are incredibly brilliant at getting to know their clients on a very personal level and connecting with their local market. What your aren’t very good at is applying this to marketing campaigns and social media.

You may be wondering whether or not it’s worth the time and effort to establish a presence on social media.  The Real Estate industry is second overall in terms of inbound engagement relative to audience size. So the answer is a resounding YES.

In this technology driven age, one of the single best things you can do to improve your marketing strategies right now is to create a strong web presence. If you are not leveraging the power of the internet for your real estate business, you are missing out on one of the single largest marketing opportunities available to you.

Take, for example, the four biggest social networks – TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and YouTube – they have well over 500 million users between them. The users of these networks fit just about every demographic a Real Estate professional might be targeting.

Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.

Do Q23 offer Marketing Services?

In a nutshell, no because it represents a conflict of interest for us.

With 95% of our clients being Real Estate Professionals, and 80% of those clients subscribing MLS suppliers in the same region, we cannot create marketing for each Agent and make promises of being at the top of search engine rankings.

What we provide your marketing team is the means to market your website to your demographic. We are always available to advise you on the best way to do this and how to choose the right marketing company for your requirements.